Greetings everyone! 🥳
SEEDS UNIMAS would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year 2021 🎉
With all of our love, we would like to wish you more love, good thoughts and great health ❤️
New dreams, new hopes, new experiences and new joys await you in 2021 💫
Hopefully 2021 brings you success in all parts of your life. Let this new year be the one where all your dreams come true, so with joyful heart and put a start to this year anew ✨
Take care and stay safe! ❤️
Best regards,
Society of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department Students (SEEDS)
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak 20/21
Connect with us -
Instagram: @seedsunimas
Facebook: SEEDS Universiti Malaysia Sarawak